Tuesday, May 12, 2009


the holistic methods of living are spreading, and now homeopathy is more popular than ever with the pet community and more and more vets are getting on board with this new approach to healing.

one specific treatment that is gaining ground with both pets and their guardians is acupuncture. many ailments can be helped by the stimulation of qi (pr. chi) by the placement of needles on certain points of the body. asthma, and respiratory problems, are especially benefited by treatments combined with herbal remedies and even done in conjunction with traditional western medicine.

click here to check out a national geographic video showing a cat in hong kong receiving acupuncture treatments for chronic renal failure. as you can see, the cat seems very calm as the tiny needles are placed at specific points.

if you are a vet, a vet student, or just someone interested in holistic vet practices, check out the chi institute, a school for traditional chinese medicine and its application in the veterinary world.

photo credit:  acupunctureproducts.com

1 comment:

John said...

Cat acupuncture chart available at www.AcupunctureProducts.com