Wednesday, August 26, 2009

mirror cats and "the lion"

they've become self-aware! cats seem to have a fascinating relationship with the looking glass. some ignore it, others fight the elusive cat hidden within it, and still others seem to recognize it for what it is and appreciate it as such. whatever their true feelings for mirrors, it sure is fun to watch them watch themselves.

the comments on this blog reveal a wide-spread fascination with mirrors of all sorts. even using them to keep an eye on their owners.

this video has two kitty youngsters seeing a mirror for the very first time. notice how the orange one waits for his opponent to attack and then gets bored waiting. lol!

in sad news, senator ted kennedy passed away last night. he was a man for the people and a friend of animals and will be remembered as such.

"Splash is a part of our family, but he's part of the senate family as well. He comes to work with me every day with his little niece Sunny and members of the senate dome. He's not allowed to go on the senate floor. He's troubled by that... because he thinks, he says that they won't let him on because people will say that they don't think he knows how to behave. But actually, he says that he behaves a lot better than most senators."

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